December 22, 2013

Hipster VS Mainstream

"It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters......"
What is hipster ?? What is mainstream ?? What are you guys in ?? Wait.. if you guys don't have much time or don't want to waste your time,don't read ! hihihi

December 06, 2013

dream today like there's no tomorrow :D

It’s been a very very long time since I posted about One Direction :DD
Well,I just have to live my life (yupss I have one) ::D
Anddddddddd do you guys know about One direction big news ??
#FYI this

So duhh ?? :DD (sorry,I’m a bit idiot) yes idiot -__-. I just finished my exam this week which meansssss holiday is getting started! I’m so excited for christmas,are you guys ?

Well,stop with that pointless speech-_- (your blog is already pointless,idiot)

SO IM GOING TO POST ABOUT MY DREAMS !! My fucking dreams !! My absurd dreams !! ew.
It’s more likely about dreamland !!! Yikes ! I’ve tons of dreamland :DDD (la la land includes).Clear enough that I’m a big dreamer ? :3