"It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters......"
What is hipster ?? What is mainstream ?? What are you guys in ?? Wait.. if you guys don't have much time or don't want to waste your time,don't read ! hihihi
Based on Urban Dictionary Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.
Sooooo.. do you guys have hipsterism in your blood ? :DD (I think my parents have :DD)

What does hipster look like ?? (the most common)
1. Hairstyle
For male, they usually like disaster-hair ew #nooffence to hipsters
For female, they usually use tight in their head
2. Fashion
Hipster has a different fashion style with fashion in general, they're unique, too unique (weirdo,huh ?)
3. Taste of Music
Hipsters are different ! We are listening to One Direction, Justin Bieber, or whatever it is today-song, but hipsters are listening to Freddie Mercury and that. But they are classy,very classy !
That's not all,peeps ! There tons of characteristic of hipstahhhhhh.. So are you guys a hipster ??
Based on Urban Dictionary Mainstream is what's the new trend. when one "style" gets old, a new one is reborn, a mainstream person is someone who jumps from trend to trend so that they fit in with the rest of the crowd. Mainstream is being what society thinks you should be, and look like.
So if you guys an update-person, you aren't a hipster -__-
I think mainstream is clear enough..
So what about me ? I'm neither a hipster nor a mainstream one ? :D hmmm.. I'm sub-mainstream !!
VOILA !! I hate myself, this is very short post :(
Ok ciaooooooo :))
Felice Vallensia xx
What is hipster ?? What is mainstream ?? What are you guys in ?? Wait.. if you guys don't have much time or don't want to waste your time,don't read ! hihihi
Based on Urban Dictionary Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.
Sooooo.. do you guys have hipsterism in your blood ? :DD (I think my parents have :DD)

What does hipster look like ?? (the most common)
1. Hairstyle
For male, they usually like disaster-hair ew #nooffence to hipsters
For female, they usually use tight in their head
2. Fashion
Hipster has a different fashion style with fashion in general, they're unique, too unique (weirdo,huh ?)
3. Taste of Music
Hipsters are different ! We are listening to One Direction, Justin Bieber, or whatever it is today-song, but hipsters are listening to Freddie Mercury and that. But they are classy,very classy !
That's not all,peeps ! There tons of characteristic of hipstahhhhhh.. So are you guys a hipster ??
Based on Urban Dictionary Mainstream is what's the new trend. when one "style" gets old, a new one is reborn, a mainstream person is someone who jumps from trend to trend so that they fit in with the rest of the crowd. Mainstream is being what society thinks you should be, and look like.
So if you guys an update-person, you aren't a hipster -__-
I think mainstream is clear enough..
So what about me ? I'm neither a hipster nor a mainstream one ? :D hmmm.. I'm sub-mainstream !!
VOILA !! I hate myself, this is very short post :(
Ok ciaooooooo :))
Felice Vallensia xx
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