It’s been a very very long time since I posted about One
Direction :DD
Well,I just have to live my life (yupss I have one) ::D
Anddddddddd do you guys know about One direction big news ??
#FYI this
So duhh ?? :DD (sorry,I’m a bit idiot) yes idiot -__-. I
just finished my exam this week which meansssss holiday is getting started! I’m
so excited for christmas,are you guys ?
Well,stop with that pointless speech-_- (your blog is
already pointless,idiot)
SO IM GOING TO POST ABOUT MY DREAMS !! My fucking dreams !!
My absurd dreams !! ew.
It’s more likely about dreamland !!! Yikes ! I’ve tons of
dreamland :DDD (la la land includes).Clear enough that I’m a big dreamer ? :3
So firstttttt…
PARIS (City Of Lights) or City Of Love ?
Paris is everyone’s dreamland (except those who don’t even
know internet) ew.

Secondddd… (tet teretettet)
I want to bring my parents there, to enjoy and realize how
beautiful this earth is.They need to loosen up their muscle for awhile, to
forget about the world,cruel world.
Thirdddd… (tungturutungtungtung dung cas)
Duhh ?? I’m a vampire ! the cutest vampire alive in this
world 8)
(Why do you wanna go there you idiot ?) I told you I’m a
vampire !! I miss hometown !!
Fourth… (sreeeeeeeeeeeengggggggggg)
LONDON (those who don’t know London, go to hell)
I love union jack or whatever it’s
(you actually just want to meet one direction)
hell no.
Fifthhhhhh… (we fly to America)
NEW YORK (Manhattan & Brooklyn)
It’s just beautiful
there in New York :”)
I want to live in
Beverly Hills.
I want to be an acoustic singer.
I want to make a concert in
Madison Square Garden + all my tickets are sold out. Duh ? (who are you
kidding,bitch ? STOP DREAMING too high! You don’t even know how to play guitar)
LAS VEGAS (City of….? Fuck?)
Casino casino -__-
I’m just curious about Las vegas. Those three idiots in the
hangover movie said that Las Vegas is bum. All the sex orientation of humans
aka straight,gay,lesbigay,AC/DC are
there! Well let’s see.. -_-
RIO DE JANEIRO (You guys know angry bird ?)
I want to dance till the world end there :/
That wasn’t all,mate ! I still have thousands of
dreamland!(now saturnus includes)!
I am tired hihihihihihih..
Well there were some part of me arguing with my own self in
the post but #sorrynotsorry #imidiot :3
Anyway, I start something in youtube.. yeah #prayforme so I
can work it out!
Thanks :)) also pray for my dreams anyway,I will pray for
yours wakakakaka.
Follow me on twitter too @felicevallensia (done)
Felice Vallensia xo
Blognya unik dan menarik :D
jadi pengen ke paris :D