Inspired by : Chernobyl Diaries Movie
There are five teenagers, thinking what they will do for summer holiday (summerrrr), named John, Mike, Jason, Casey, and Ashley . Three boys and two girls. Then one of them (John) get an idea, he has uncle in Moscow.
"Hello,uncle.., how are you doing ?" asks John
"I'm,are they your friend ?" asks Uncle back
"Hello you guys ready for the tour ?" asks uncle..
"Yessssss" all chuckles
" ! I will tell you a little about Chernobyl. You guys must be know what tragedy happened there,right ?? Nuclear disaster, and we are going to Pripyat, abandoned town, due to nuclear radiation. " explains Uncle...
"What ?? are we going there ?? what about the radiation ? you said..." asked Casey
"It's okay..I have radiation detector. So we will be safe and that place can be your own for awhile hahahahha " :DDDDD
Then they go.
Arrive in Pripyat, they feel a little bit scared due to the town totally untidy/mess.
Then they go around,chillax, relax, take a picture..They are very enjoy it !
After then, they are about to go home.
When they back to the truck and start the engine,but it doesn't work. Until they know that the engine was biten by animal.
But some of them think, animal would not do that.
So they decide to stay over the night there.

When they are sleeping, suddenly the truck moves slowly.
John decides to check, eventhough his friends said no.
Suddenly zombies attack him and bring him away!
The other friends are so panic, especially John's girlfriend, Casey. She gets out the truck, tries to get John, but so pity, all zombies get Casey too.
Now there are three left.
They decide to get out of the truck too and run away together. They run so fast at midnight, and they are being chased by the dogs and bear.
Jason falls accidentally, and the dogs get him.
Mike and Ashley keep running, until they find a place where is the nuclear blew up.
The find some people..
" our face is burnt ! help !! ...says mike
"Get down !!" asks man 2
"How could you get here ?" asks man 1
"We just make a trip ! Where are we now ?! " asks Ashley
"You are in the safe place.. "
"Sir..they know too much " says man 1
"Kill them ! " asks man 2
anyone got the story ?? a clever one,must be catch it :)